I met US based Al Soleman approximately 18 months ago via Facebook, when he wrote me a lovely book review and we have remained friends since. Al is a footman, a lover of women’s feet who lives in Florida, and works in the Consumer Electronics industry. Al is currently single and is in his late forties. I think we are privileged to have this opportunity to share his thoughtful observations on life and inner feelings; and to me Al is a true gentleman.
Q: Do you remember having an ‘ah ha’ moment in relation to you attraction to women’s feet, or is it something that has simply always been a part of who you are?
A: To the best of my recollection, my attraction to female feet has been with me since at least age five, possibly even before. Certainly it coincided with many of my earliest memories as a youngster…I can recall seeing the feet of family friends or relatives and having a fascination with them! At that point, the interest did not have the sexual component but there was a definite attraction. I do think the idea of touching and sniffing the feet was something that appealed to me but that was not realized till much later. There was an Aunt who had particularly lovely feet in my estimation and she always wore sandals or open toed shoes, I looked forward to her visits anticipating getting near her feet. She had no idea I found them so appealing….on one occasion I did sniff the insole of a shoe she had worn as she slept on the couch LOL!
I’ve tried to think of a specific moment when my intense interest began and perhaps it was after my family’s move from Britain back to the Caribbean as a child. I saw exposed or bare feet more readily than before and the formation of my own personality began to coalesce in those years!
Q: Can you describe for us what ideal female foot would look like to you?
A: That is a very good question…I find many shapes and sizes fascinating so I’m not sure one archetype would be enough to provide a satisfactory answer. I do tend to gravitate to larger sizes, (US ladies size 8 or above), as I think the idea of having more to savour or worship is appealing. I love the idea of having a woman’s foot completely covering my face and experiencing the natural foot scent permeating my nostrils. However, a well proportioned and shapely smaller foot can be very enticing as well. In actuality most of my experiences have been with smaller sizes within a 5 to 7 range. I am drawn to more pronounced heels and soft soles, and longer, well proportioned toes are very attractive to me. I’ve been very fortunate to interface with many “foot” ladies via Facebook and other sites who have graciously shared images and has given me a greater appreciation for the diversity of well cared for feet in the larger landscape.
Q: Do you always share your love of feet with the women in your life, or has there been occasion in relationships where you have decided for one reason or another not to divulge your passion?
A: I have not had the opportunity to share my passion with very many in personal relationships, partly due to my initial shyness and reticence and perhaps a fear or being seen as strange or “outside.” The occasions when I have revealed this have been met with quizzical responses for the most part but in one or two instances I was allowed to indulge my “fetish” for want of a better word. I’ve been unattached for awhile now so the interactions have been fewer than before; I’m still waiting to meet the ideal partner who has an equal enthusiasm for foot worship/play and appreciation for the sensual aspects attached to this.
Q: Has your love of feet ever been a deal-breaker in a personal relationship? Either with a woman or with a friend who has discovered your interest?
A: I wouldn’t say that has been the case, if a relationship cooled or didn’t work out it was due more to incompatibility or simply growing apart. Sometimes ambitions or goals were no longer the same or perhaps other interests diverged too greatly. Fortunately in those cases where I was able to share my love of foot play, my partner enjoyed or encouraged it to some extent. There simply weren’t as many relationships where I could express my love of feet as i would have liked.
Q: It is my perception (correct me if I’m wrong), that the idea of men being into female feet has become far more socially acceptable since the Internet. Do you find that to be the case, or does this attraction still carry a certain amount of taboo?
A: That is something which I have grappled with myself since starting my foot profile on Facebook, prior to doing this I had no idea of the extent to which man and women shared my total love of feet! The sheer number of profiles, pages, groups etc is mind boggling, not to mention fetish sites devoted to foot worship/play and photography/modeling. I certainly feel that men seem to have memories and experiences of a more sensory nature earlier on perhaps, although I’ve come across many examples of this with ladies as well. Perhaps the old paradigms of what is acceptable are shifting and even the notion that foot fetish is mostly the province of the male of the species is changing as well. The growing number of pages on the web of Fem to Fem foot sites is evidence of this change. The old taboos have not disappeared but more open discussion of the attraction to feet is definitely happening via the entertainment media, some talk shows and late night comedy programs make reference oftentimes to celebs with foot fetishes.
Q: Have you ever visited a foot worship club or been to a private foot worship party? If so can you tell us about it?
A: Since moving to the S Florida area I’ve attended a few Footnight events…I was curious about the scene down here and I wanted to meet like-minded folks; and at those times I was not in personal relationships and wanted to experience footplay in ways I had not before. For the most part the events were friendly and the people were open and non-judgmental as one would hope and the ladies made one feel comfortable in one on one situations. The downside for me was perhaps the idea of so many having to jostle for time with some of the women there and I was used to the notion of getting to know someone on a personal level, the experience was certainly very new to me. I’d had less success in finding Private party situations here, perhaps I’ve made myself a little less available than I should. I’m hoping to meet more folks in the local area if possible.
Q: Do you have any advice for young men who may be grappling with their attraction to women’s feet?
A: I would always say, be as honest with yourself as you would want others to be with you! Acknowledge your feelings and the obvious attraction you have for women’s feet – it is wonderful and liberating and not something to be ashamed of. Obviously one must pick and choose your times to reveal your interests to friends and family as others may not be as comfortable with your admission. When it comes to relationships, don’t be overbearing about your fetish but certainly let the lady in question know how you feel and your desire to share that with her. If she sees that you are interested in her and not just her feet, I think the basis for mutual foot love is usually a great possibility. Honesty and openness is definitely the way to go, it took me a very long time to get to the point where I am now, and it’s only been since my late 30s to early 40s where I’ve been able to fully come to terms with my passion.
Q: Is there one kinky form of self-expression that might be considered to be a deal-breaker or no-go for you?
A: LOL! Well, I’ve certainly been exposed to new ideas via my FB interactions and many friends there and on other e.g. FetLife. So far I have not felt that anything would be a deal breaker but some of the more extreme areas, razor play, blood fetish etc may be a bit iffy at this point, I think a very secure and trusting relationship would have to be established before delving in to some areas… the decision between participants should be based on experience, trust and having the well-being of the other in mind. Certainly, I’m open to exploration and look forward to having those experiences that I’ve missed in earlier life.
Q: What do you like to do to relax in terms of hobbies, sports, music, etc?
A: Ahhhh, certainly music has been a very important part of my life and I have an avid interest in Audio electronics and music technology. I enjoy most genres, particularly Jazz, Classical, progressive Rock, Classic Soul and R&B, World Beat and Ambient Electronica. I do enjoy some country and Blues forms as well. In my younger years played soccer in High school and College and I follow Tennis and some basketball as well. Not a huge football fan but as a former New Yorker, follow the Giants and Jets going into the Superbowl. I’m very interested in Politics, Sci FI, Cosmology and Comparative religion and a History buff as well, ideas and concepts intrigue me!
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